
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Let’s Talk Real Estate - Goody’s Wash & Go
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
(Episode 231) On Let's Talk Real Estate with Tina Goodrich the subject will be Tina's new business, Goody's Wash & Go. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Saturday Jun 03, 2023
I Want to Believe
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
(Episode 231) On this show the Blueberry Chicks Hillary Fisher, Treat & Shelly Hartmann bring an incredible array of Blueberry Summer Stackers to taste. Treat and Shelly stay around for a little while after the Blueberry Chicks to talk about all the new developments for the 1st Annual Ram Salute. Dr. Max Masters joins the show by phone to tell us about some simple exercises for those that have hard time getting to the gym. Larry Battson, Wildlife Educator joins the show to tell us about his experience with Jim Fowler and Mutual of Omaha. He also tells us about his belief in Bigfoot. Mason Dixon and Rob discuss the Hartford Speedways mattress race and other events. On Let's Talk Real Estate the subject will be Tina's new business, Goody's Wash & Go. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Monday May 29, 2023
The Blueberry Chicks - Meet the Headliner
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
(Episode 230) On this show the Blueberry Chicks Shelly Hartmann and Treat Hartmann invite Angelica Gallegos Dickerson to try a Treat treat. Then Nate Barnes joins the show to announce and talk about headlining the 1st Annual Ram Salute. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Sunday May 28, 2023
Let’s Talk Real Estate - Showings
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
(Episode 230) On Let's Talk Real Estate with Tina Goodrich the subject will be showings. Dr. Max Masters also joins the conversation by phone. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Saturday May 27, 2023
You Is Pretty
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
(Episode 230) On this show the Blueberry Chicks Shelly Hartmann and Treat Hartmann invite Angelica Gallegos Dickerson to try a Treat treat. Then Nate Barnes joins the show to talk about headlining the 1st Annual Ram Salute. Scott T. and Nichole Valkner join Shelly Hartmann and Rob to talk with Nate Barnes a little more. Nate will talk about his early influences and coming from a small town to performing on tour. Nichole from Gulotta Imagery tells us about her roll at the 1st Annual Ram Salute as photographer. Scott T. does something. On Let's Talk Real Estate with Tina Goodrich the subject will be showings. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Monday May 22, 2023
The Blueberry Chicks - Blueberry Sushi
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
(Talk) On this show the Blueberry Chicks Hillary Fisher, Courtney Tolbolt and Chef Treat Hartmann tastes tests Blueberry Sushi. Myrene K. Koch, Allegan County Prosecutor joins the Blueberry Chicks as special guest. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Sunday May 21, 2023
Let’s Talk Real Estate - Low Appraisal
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
(Talk) On Let's Talk Real Estate the subject will be low appraisals. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Saturday May 20, 2023
Murder and the Bench
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
(Episode 229) On this show the Blueberry Chicks Hillary Fisher, Courtney Tolbolt and Chef Treat Hartmann tastes tests Blueberry Sushi. Myrene K. Koch, Allegan County Prosecutor joins the Blueberry Chicks as special guest. Scott T. and Mason Dixon join the show to hear more about a murder cold case that has ended up as a new documentary series coming soon. She also makes an exclusive career announcement as well why she's wearing a knee brace and how it will affect her ballet dancing. On Let's Talk Real Estate the subject will be low appraisals. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Monday May 15, 2023
The Blueberry Chicks - Hobo Pies
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
(Talk) On this show Treat and Shelly Hartmann entertain Jennifer Spears (the right hand of True Blue) to the studio to taste test Treats Blueberry Hobo Pies. Treat also serves up a tray of fluffy desserts to to temp both child and adult. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.

Sunday May 14, 2023
Let’s Talk Real Estate - EIN Numbers
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
(Talk) On Let's Talk Real Estate with Tina Goodrich the subject will be EIN Numbers as well as a few good listings. It's all here, right now and so much more on Rob Byrd's Moondog Show.